NOVEMBER 12, 1993




Sick of all the racial crap

To the Editors:

I wish to relate an incident which happened to me and my roommate at a local establishment here in Cleveland. It is a prime example of the deep-rooted racial problems that are occurring in the gaylesbian community. Firstly, I am a young, gay black man with a college degree and a respectable job in the computer field. I have never been involved in any criminal activity


On Saturday about 1 in the morning on Oct. 23, my roommate (who is white & gay) and I went to "Over the Rainbow." We only wanted to have a beer and watch the entertainment. I went to the bathroom and returned a few minutes later, only to be immediately confronted by a stern, angry, whitehaired woman. She demanded to know what business we had in the bar, and insisted that we buy a drink or "get out."

My roommate and I were so shocked and stunned by this confrontation that we simply turned around and walked out without uttering a word in response. It was several minutes before we realized what happened. Now I know that there is no anti-black policy at this bar, because I have met the owner. And even attended several of their Monday night events, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I have been to bars in North Carolina, Iowa, North Dakota, Vermont, and Canada where it was obvious that I was not wanted, because of my skin color. But never has anyone ever been this rude and indignant to my face. My roommate has decided he will never again visit this club, which is unfortunate because I do not blame the management and it is a pleasant place.

I thought it was important for me to relate this incident to others in the gay-lesbian community to illustrate that there is a fundamental problem in our community. We must address it or it will fester and grow, then eventually destroy us all. We continually condemn the straight community for their bias against gays and lesbians, maybe we should get our "own house in order" before we accuse others. This incident has forced me to become active in these recent activities about racial bias in the gay community. BECAUSE I AM SICK & TIRED OF ALL THIS RACIAL CRAP!!

Ray Pratt

Responding to the anti-racism challenge

To the Editors:

As a gay white male, and Center volunteer (Maryann Finegan Project Coordinator), I'd like to report how I and the antiviolence project are responding to the antiracism challenge. First, I want to list the things I understand to be crucial to my being able to confront my own racism, sexism and homophobia. If I haven't heard and understood the issues, I can't address them:

1. Do my own work. Start talking to other

white males, and stop leaving the work to

women and persons of color.

2. Either I'm racist or I'm actively anti-

racist. Like when I walked away from the racist comment made by another white male at the Lakewood Y, rather than challenging his statement, or at least saying "your comment offends me."

3. Acknowledge that I benefit from patriarchy. Next to straight white men (whom I


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often allow myself to pass for), I'm in the most powerful and wealthy class in the U.S., the world's richest country. I think this is the real challenge of feminism and racial equality. Are we, other white gay men, ready to confront the value we place on material wealth and economic power? And how active can we really fight for feminism and racial equality when our "gay rights movement" really seeks a bigger piece of the American capitalist pie for us?

Beginning Efforts. The Maryann Finegan Project, like many programs at the Center, needs to reach out to persons of color and lesbians. This requires much more than acquiring a lesbian or African American volunteer. I understand domestic violence to be a real concern within the lesbian community; I and the other volunteers must be trained in this area, and not just hand the phone over to a female volunteer, as was done in the past.

A very insightful comment was shared to members of the Project by Executive Director Judy Rainbrook, after she attended a meeting of feminists and lesbians. Gay bashing, she said, is a concern of gay men. As women, lesbians are used to the threat of

they keep changing the rules. Martha's article reminds me of the re-education trials in China during the Cultural Revolution. Now that she's publicly admitted to sin (as defined by SOAR), what's next? Does she stand on the Veteran's Memorial Bridge with a sign around her neck, saying "I'm sorry I was born a white, racist pig"?

As I see it, anyway, SOAR has nothing to do with the lesbian-gay rights movement. I'm interested in fighting concrete and identifiable discrimination where we find it. SOAR (Stop Oppression and Racism, that leftist moniker tells it all), has a hidden political agenda: they reject the society in which we live (although I find it odd that so many people want to get into the USA; I don't see people clamoring at the gates to get out!). I, for one, do not reject our society. I confess to the heinous error of being a moderate reformer. Martha, stand your ground! I think leftist radicals like SOAR are as much the enemy as the religious right, and if we let SOAR define the lesbian-gay rights movement, we'll be marginalized forever.

Robert L. Dubbs

being harassed and assaulted because of Clitty Cat goers

their sex. That's why domestic violence is a priority for lesbians.

In addition to discussing and evaluating my own racism and sexism, the Project attempts to combat these evils by better training, outreach, and acknowledging that we are now serving persons of color and


Victims assistance training for our volunteers, which we've begun, is vital to providing good service to the lesbian and gay community. This is especially important when we attempt to reach out to persons in our community who traditionally have not been well served by the Center. Included in this training must be acknowledgement of the white male lens though which I see the criminal justice, health and mental health systems; these are the primary objects of referral to our clients. How suitable are these agencies to others than white males?


The "Hate Crime Update" that appears in the Gay People's Chronicle does not mention the race of the victim or perpetrator. I think it should. My hunch is most people that read the last update would assume all the victims were white; they weren't-one was Latino. One of the purposes of the update is for members of the community to know that violence can and does happen to anyone. In a time when "gay" still brings up images of white and male, I feel it's important to recognize that all persons in our community are targets of harassment and violence.

I applaud the ongoing public discussion on racism, sexism and homophobia. I also invite suggestions as to how the Maryann Finegan Project can confront racist and sexist violence, as well as homophobic. Perhaps, as has been suggested, the Project should track racist and sexist incidents as well. What do you think?

SOAR has a hidden agenda

To the Editors:

Edward Boyte

I'm dismayed that Martha Pontoni (“Reevaluating my Racism", Oct. 15 issue) has let herself be bullied by the PC Gestapo, aka SOAR. I heartily support both the Chronicle's editorial point of view and Kevin Beaney's reportage. I consider the Chronicle a "gay mainstream" paper (a compliment), though this, no doubt, is what provoked the wrath of SOAR.

You can suck up to SOAR if you want, but with their mixture of Louis Farrakan bigotry and "Alice in Wonderland" politics, you should realize that you'll never be able to satisfy them. Racism, sexism, and anyother-ism is whatever they say it is... and

were rude

To the Editors:

My letter is directed at Clitty Cat Club goers and refers to the Oct. 23 Oasis seg-

ment of our Clitty Cat Club Shows.

I cannot help but wonder how it is that so many intelligent women can go to a place, pay to get in, with some knowledge of what to expect and behave so badly to their hosts. I was shocked and embarrassed at the rude and inconsiderate behavior of so many women at the Club that night, I couldn't believe that Glenda from Baltimore, "A Judge" and a guest to Cleveland, had to actually get on stage and ask everyone to be quiet. I don't believe Debra should have had to ask either. I actually left early because I couldn't enjoy myself. I admit the show could have sped along a bit faster, and the PA system was bad, but please! I understand we all go out to socialize, but come on girls, where is our sense of Pride. There were two or three other rooms for socializing.

I know that Leather and S & M play isn't for everyone, but we are all sisters & brothers in this community and we all paid to see the show. What is the story here?

The women who put this Club together work hard to get it right. They are doing it as entertainment for the women of Cleveland. I know Debra tries to be open to everyone. Why not show her and her comrades the same. I don't consider myself a leather Dyke, nor am I fully sold on S & M play, but I wore my leather and chains to the Clitty Cat Club, because I want to be open, I want to understand, and I want to support any woman in this community who is trying to support it. The Community. I hope to see everyone at the next Clitty Cat Club on their best behavior. It is for us. Let us make it work!

Ms. Ohio Leather is on the way

To the Editors:

Jill B.

I'd like to thank the members of our community (leatherfolk & non-leatherfolk alike) who participated in the Ms. Ohio Leather 1994 contest, both those who contributed to making it happen & the audience. Our audience, through auctions & raffles, generously contributed $450 towards the IMSL travel fund & the cost of getting Ms. Ohio Leather to San Francisco for the International Ms. Leather contest in March. This is a great example of how community works!

I'd also like to thank both contributors and audience for their patience in dealing

with the problems that occurred with our sound system during the evening. We at Dyke Ellington came away having learned two things:

1. Always extensively test a sound system prior to the event.

2. Always have a back-up emcee in case the scheduled emcee decides to elope the Thursday prior to the event.

Lastly, I would like to thank Ohio City Oasis. They have taken the lead in Cleveland in opening their resources to women in the Leather community. It is this love & commitment to the community that makes us all stronger.

We at Dyke Ellington are currently communicating with the IMSL board in San Francisco to finalize the process of entering Ms. Ohio Leather into the IMSL contest. Ms. Ohio Leather will be engaged in other fund-raising activities before March, including a carni-booth at the next Clitty Cat Club.

Our next Club will be Friday, Nov. 26 at Club 5304 (W. 53rd & Detroit) where we will present an Erotic Reading Contest, (interested contestants may call 321-6295). Also, come January, CCC will be presenting a Masquerade Ball, complete with prizes for our costumed audience.

Again, thank you for supporting women's self expression.

Dyke Ellington Productions

Come out in order to fight

To the Editors:

Given the outcome of gay-rights issues in [the Nov. 2] elections, we have a lot of work to do. It is almost a foregone conclusion that the self-appointed, self-righteous will continue their attempts to bring about their vision of "their biblically mandated responsibility to bring the 'Kingdom of God' onto Earth in the here and now."

I am proud of the work that we did in Cincinnati, particularly those of us from other parts of the state to defeat their Issue Three. Even more disappointing to me than the results was the lack of Cincinnatians lined up out of the door and around the corner from Equality Cincinnati headquarters waiting to get their work assignments.

The first step from here for all of us who have not is to come out of the closet. There is a least one "queer" in every family. That is where it has to start because unconditional love is a "family value." Many are unwilling to take the risk involved. For those like me who grew up in dysfunctional families with abusing parents, it may be less of a risk to take that step. For others with loving parents, what difference does our sexual orientation make? If our parents don't love us unconditionally, do they really love us at all? Our families must know that our very lives may be at stake if equal rights is not allowed to be the law of the land.

As to our employment, do we want to be a part of the oppression of our own community? Are a salary, accumulation of goods and position more important than dignity and self-respect? Does it do our self-esteem any good to hide our sexuality? Do we want or need to hide for the rest of our lives? The "religious right" will most-assuredly attempt to place a state-wide referendum on the ballot next year to prevent us from Continued on next page

Community Forum

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Address letters to the Chronicle, P.O. Box 5426, Cleveland, Ohio, 44101, or fax to 216-621-5282 (24 hours). Include your address and phone number so we may contact you to verify the letter.